Making equal justice
for all a reality.

Helping Oklahomans access legal information
and representation when they need it most.

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Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma’s Mission

We believe all Oklahomans deserve equal access to our state’s justice system and legal information.

Legal Information for all Oklahomans

Providing free legal
Information to all.

LASO gives Oklahomans access to free legal information on a variety of topics such as Family Law, Taxes, Housing, and Disaster Relief and Recovery. You’ll find free legal information, helpful website links, court forms, and more on our website

Get Legal Info
  • Family Law

    Information and forms regarding issues of divorce, guardianship, child support, and more.

  • Taxes

    Information and forms regarding issues of collection, tax credits, and military and veteran information.

  • Disaster Relief & Recovery

    Information and forms regarding issues of insurance claims, FEMA assistance, and COVID-19.

  • Housing

    Assistance with evictions, landlord & tenant issues, and other housing disputes.

Get involved with legal aid

Join Our Work Towards Equal Justice for All.

Volunteering with Legal Aid

LASO is always in need of attorneys to assist with cases on a pro bono basis.

Joining LASO’s dedicated group of pro bono attorneys is as easy as filling out this online form.
Find out what kind of pro bono opportunities LASO has to offer.

Get Involved
Disaster Relief & Recovery

Get the disaster legal help you need to recover.

Many Oklahomans don’t realize they have legal issues after a disaster and some cannot afford to address them.

OK Disaster Legal Help